Dear Guests,
Welcome to Mme Powell’s blog! This week students were asked to write a letter expressing their gratitude for their families. If you are visiting this site, you are undoubtedly here to respond to that young person. Thank you for contributing to our blog. Please follow the guidelines below when posting your comment:
- Click on the link at the bottom of this post that indicates how many comments have been left so far.
- Type your comment in the large box.
- If you like, sign your first name or relationship so that the student will know who is appreciating them! (e.g. Carol, Uncle Jim, Grandma, etc.)
- Please identify the student by first name and last initial only. We want to protect the identities of our student bloggers on the world wide web.
- Please limit your comment to 2-4 sentences. We know these are great kids and you could go on and on about them…but 2-4 carefully chosen thoughts will ultimately mean more than volumes upon volumes could.
- Be sure to type in the special “word” in squiggly font in the narrow box before submitting your comment. This proves that you are not a spamming machine.
Your comment will not display immediately, but will be sent to me for approval before publication. (Don’t worry. I won’t critique your grammar or spelling.J)
While you are here, feel free to read some of the contributions of students from earlier weeks. They are really growing as writers.
Once again, we’re glad you could join us this week as we celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing our appreciation for each other. Thank you for your time and participation in this project. Children grow so much and so beautifully with support from family and friends.
Kind regards and best wishes for a wonderful holiday,
Mme Powell