Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 24 Yeow!

Imagine you have gotten a tiny splinter while climbing over your neighbor’s fence. Write a very exaggerated story to explain to how you became “injured”. Remember to use strong verbs, as well as hyperbole.

As always,
  • Write your story in a word program first.
  • Reread aloud to make sure it makes sense.
  • Revise it to include descriptive words that paint a picture for the reader.
  • Check it over for spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors.
  • Then copy it and paste it in the comments section.
  • Be sure to include your first name and code to receive credit for your work.

Watch this space for a sample story coming soon...


Anonymous said...

Dear Mme Powell:
Here is my blog assignment:
So there I was, crying to my mama, I just got a splinter!!! If you want to know the tragic story, stay tuned, but if you don't want to go to bed feeling sorry for me, click the ''x'' on the top of your computer screen. It all started with a simple game of hide and seek. Anna, Joe Anny, Kelli, Dilbert, Hank, Nepoleon and I were just little innocent children playing ''hide and seek''. Then it happened. This time through the game, I didn't want to be the all-time seeker, so I wanted a extra good hiding place. I guess that it was too good, because after 1 hour I was still at there. My hiding spot was behind the bush in Mrs. Ungermeyer's yard [just to let you know, she fenced in her backyard, so that she can't hear our dog, Beatrice]. It was genius!! Did I mention at the beginning of the story I am in all the gifted programs there are? Well, just to confirm that, I am. But, today I guess I didn't bring my brain because I was got this stupid splinter. The actual way I got the splinter was after I was not seeked for at least 1 hour-70 minutes, I went over the fence again, and noticed that there was a little piece of wood on my finger. No biggy, I thought. I'll just rub this little squirt of wood, OFF my finger. I tried to rub it off, no matter how I tried the sucker was on there for life!! If was a splinter!!!!!! I was such a dummy that I rubbed my finger on the fence AGAIN to get it off and what do you know, I got TWO little problems on my left pointer finger!!! And, yes, yes I did get seeked quite shortly after that record of being not-seeked ended. Anna, Joe Annie, Kelli, Dilbert, Hank and Nepoleon, came running up to me asking me were I was and that they were about to call the state sheriff, because they coundn't find me. I told them I that it isn't THAT easy to find me, but they ignored me!! And OMG, I forgot all about those retarded splinters in my finger and quickly, but quietly, hurried home. When I got home-- wait when I got home, that's where I began this story,---- oh, yeah---- So I got home and showed my mommy. She said that it was a minor baby splinter, and that it will be FINE!!! But, it wasn't, I was bawling, like a little baby! Mommy asked if she could remove it with the tweezers, and before she could say'' button'' I quickly said ''NO0000000, WAY MAN''!!! My life is gonna end ...NOW!!!
sylvie J#24

Anonymous said...

It all started when my sister thought that I hid something from her. After it stopped raining cats and dogs (oh yes, I stole $20.00 form her - shhhh), so as I was saying, my sister was watching me and I said, "what do you want," "nothing," she said, so I kept walking. She was following me so all the sudden I started running for my life but I slipped. I was all wet and muddy because I fell into a puddle the size of the Pacific ocean. I got up and kept running. I came to a fence. Oh no, it was my neighbors fence. I measured it last year and it was 13 feet and I had hidden the money on the outher side. Usually I go threw the gate that is on the other side of the house. I had to go over because I want to go to this sweet movie and I need the money for snacks. So here I go...jump! I did it, I pulled myself up but I had sliced myself...ouch...I thought, must keep moving. I had a sliver the size of a log. I ran and got the money. I went back home, got dressed and went to the movie. At the movie, one of my friends said, "here's twenty dollars for you," "oh, thank you," sigh! All that for nothing!

Patrick - SW#4 VII

Anonymous said...

One day my neighbor and I decided to climb the fence. We decide to race up what looked like a mountain towering above our heads. Then we started to climb. I was just about to jump over the mountain and win! Then it happened! My leg slipped and then thud I fell to the ground. I slowly got up tears stinging in my eyes. In the blood sticking out was what was causing my pain a SPLITER!! My mom must of saw what happen dashed out with tweezers and yanked out the SPLITER jabbed a band-aid on my cut.
That was the last time I climbed a fence again.

Anonymous said...

Earlier today I was hit on the tips of my fingers by a fastball and the pain would just not stop. I had to go to the hospital because I was knocked out. When I woke up I saw a cast on my hand. I saw inside and it was a fake hand made out of metal. So I am having trouble typing at this moment. That is why I have my cat Tigger doing it for me. Kevin Sw4

Anonymous said...

I was playing baseball with my friend, Nathan. One throw could end the game. Accidentally, I threw my curve. Then he smashed the ball over my head. The ball flew way, way away from me. Then it soared over my neighbor’s fence like a jet. I scrambled over the wall but got tangled in the fence. Nathan shoved me over the fence so I could get the ball. I dashed over to the ball, snatched it up in my hands and then sprinted back to the wall. From behind, I could hear a fierce growl like a lion. Then my neighbor’s dog approached me and mauled my leg. Then I crawled back over the fence. As I got down, I notice I had gotten a splinter. I collapsed in awe at what had just happened.

The end

Ben F J7

Anonymous said...

My friend and I just had to play with my new frisbee at his house, but that just happened to be near Mrs. Grumpy’s house. In her yard was the huge, mean, ugly, ten-foot tall dog! O.K., he might not be ten feet tall but he is huge, mean and ugly. And, her name isn’t Mrs. Grumpy, it is Mrs. Shmush. We call her that because she is mean and nasty.

I threw it really fast and it hurt my friend’s hand. So he did the same thing but he threw it a little to high and to fast. It landed in the yard of Mrs. Grumpy and right in front of the dog! I had to get it . I quietly climbed over the fence. I picked it up, my friend yelled so loudly in excitement, that the dog heard him and then I was running as fast as I could.

At the fence, I was clawing my way up with the big dog trailing behind me. On my way down I felt immense pain in my hand . I looked and I saw a huge splinter.

I told my mom about the story while she was performing splinter surgery. Thomas j21

Anonymous said...

One day I asked my mom if I could play at a friend’s house. “Sure, do you know where the key for the fence is?” my mom said (we have a fence for our dog). “No. I thought you had it,” I said, “Could I climb over the fence?” “No way!” I was desperate. “But you could play in the yard.” Mom said. “O.K.” I sadly said, as I walked out the door. “Maybe I could climb over the fence.” I thought out loud. Good idea me. So, I started climbing over the fence. It was harder than cutting a tree with a butter knife. OUCH! I cried like a baby. I came running to my dad. “What happened?” my dad asked. “I was climbing over the fence and I got a splinter.” I said. Do you want me to get a tweezers?” dad asked. “Thanks” I said as I sat down on the couch.
The End
Grace SW #17

Anonymous said...

When I was climbing over my neighbor’s fence I got a splinter. It hurt so bad that I thought I was going to die. I was going to get a tennis ball when I got that splinter. I threw the tennis ball to my dog Anya and it went over the fence. I did not haft to hurry otherwise nothing would happen. But I wanted to go fast anyway. Noah sw4

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Powell,
One time, at my friend’s house, I was cutting open a “Speed stacking set” box with scissors. I put my fingers in the two holes of the scissors and started to cut the box open. But my pinkie got stuck and I pinched it. At first it didn’t hurt that much and I just saw a little mark. So I continued to cut. Then my finger started to sting and I looked it. Blood was oozing out. It really hurt. My eyes were watery and that was a sign I was about to cry. But I was brave enough to not cry in front of my friend. I told my friend that I cut myself with the scissors. She wanted to tell her mother but I told her not to. Instead, I went to the bathroom and put my finger under cold water. It stung even more. Suddenly, I couldn’t hold my tears back any more. So I burst out into tears. I would have cried loudly because I was in so much pain, but I didn’t want my friend to hear me and I didn’t want to be embarrassed. I looked at my finger. There was a big bump that was all purple. It was huge. But as I was doing other things, it got slightly smaller. Then my dad came to pick me up. I said thank you to my friend and her mother for having me over and we left. I told my dad the first thing when we got into the car. He saw my finger and said it was fine. When I got home, I immediately put on some medicine and a band-aid. I went to bed with the band-aid on, and the next morning, my pinkie was so numb, I had to take off the band-aid. It was so gross because it was all white with one big spot in the middle which was the booboo. In fact, I still have the band-aid on my finger. Right now, two days after the terrible, horrible experience, I am looking at my finger, and the owie has turned purple, and the skin around it is still white because the band-aid was too tight. But my mom said it is healing just fine. I guess it could have been a lot worse.
Maria j4 #5

Anonymous said...

Once I climbed a fence and it was 10 feet tall . I almost slipped and got killed . I got the biggest splinter in the world. It was four feet long. It impaled through my finger and it was gushing blood. I was sobbing on the way home. I asked my mom can you please take the tweezers and help me get this out? And then I tried to clime the fence again . I didn’t get a splinter this time. The lady that owns the fence yelled “get off of my fence or I’m going to call 911.” And I’m like gees lady, I need to get my ball.

Garrett W SW#23

Anonymous said...

One day in the back yard, I was playing soccer. My brother Brandon kicked the blue sparkling ball in the bushes beside the two wheel barrows. I got the ball out of the bushes and I threw the gleaming ball o Brandon, so this is where I made a mistake. I jumped, then my leg got in the way of the up side down wheel barrow and my leg hit a metal rod and scrapped it. My leg hurt like crazy, it was not what I thought it was it was a big hole! It was so big I could see my flesh I managed to get inside before I fell to the ground. My mother was shocked when I told her the story. And from then on I never jumped between it again. Evan j25

Anonymous said...

It was a sunny summer day, and my friends and I were playing soccer in the back yard. My next door neighbor came over; to see if we could jump on his trampoline. We decided to ask my mom if we could and she said yes. So off we went to jump on Hunters trampoline. When we started to jump on the trampoline I decide to go on top of the fence to jump off onto the trampoline. When I started to climb up the fence my hand slipped and I got a huge sliver in my left hand, and fell off the fence and broke my arm. So off to the hospital we went to get my sliver out and fix my arm up. It was a long summer day at the hospital.

Braxton #18 SW

Anonymous said...

So there I was. Blood cane gushing out of my finger. I had been climbing the fens to say hi to my neighbor Billy when Sally (the annoying little girl who lives down the block) pushed me over the fens. I mead it over the fens, but when she flung me over, I went flying in to Billy’s ignoramus trampoline and I soared around the solar system!!!!! I landed smack on my fens and got a piercing splinter right in my pointer finger. I screamed so hard that I could not tell this story a month after it happened, for I lost my voice. Now there you have it. My story!!!!
By: Cristiana SW#12

Anonymous said...

I was climbing over my neighbor’s fence. Then, all of a sudden, a dog came out of nowhere and was running right towards me. Dirt was flying as it ran. The dog’s jaws were wide open and it had big teeth. My hands were gripping the fence so tight that if you tried to pull them off you would think they were glued. I was frozen. The dog was getting closer. Then I remembered that I had a cookie in my pocket, but too late for me, my hand slid and I had gotten a splinter. The dog pushed me to the ground and ran away with my cookie. I was left with a splinter. The End

Estee#25 SW4